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What Precautions You Must Take While Driving In Rainy Season

Rainy season is one of the deadliest seasons when it comes to driving. Many expert drivers also lose control over their vehicles; be it four-wheelers or two-wheelers. It is also known as the season when most of the road crashes take place. Most of these road accidents are fatal, while most are highly injurious. Rainy …

What Precautions You Must Take While Driving In Rainy Season Read More »

Why Seat Belts Are So Important: What Do the Statistics Say?

Why Seat Belts Are So Important: What Do the Statistics Say?

Many countries have strict laws about wearing a seat belt while driving and India is not an exception. The road safety laws include heavier fines if the driver is found driving without putting on a seat belt. But why are seat belts so important while driving?To understand the importance of seat belts while driving, read …

Why Seat Belts Are So Important: What Do the Statistics Say? Read More »

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Road Crashes: Are They Predictable and Preventable?

Road crashes are the #1 cause of deaths in many densely populated and developed cities across the globe. Insufficient safety measures, lack of road safety awareness amongst people and general carelessness are one of the major factors causing the road crashes. What Do the Statistics Say About Road Crashes in India? India is one of …

Road Crashes: Are They Predictable and Preventable? Read More »